Events & News
The Científico Latino team does professional development workshops and online webinars to help demystify STEM careers for undergraduates, high schoolers and students applying to graduate school! If you'd like to host one of our workshops or webinar with your organization, contact us at
To be kept in the loop about future events and webinars, follow us on social media or subscribe to our mailing list!
Upcoming EVENTS
Please check our eventbrite page for upcoming events!
Check out our YouTube channel for recordings of past webinars. To be notified of planned events, follow us on social media. Thank you!

What to Expect in Graduate School
Location: Virtual — Recording Here!
Date: Thu, April 29, 2021, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM EDT
Our GSMI 2020-21 webinar “What to Expect in Graduate School” will be held on April 29th, 2021 at 6pm EST. This webinar will be led by four incredible GSMI mentors: 1) Yessica Santana, 1st year Ph.D. student studying Neuroscience at Oregon Health & Science University; 2) Ya'el Courtney, 2nd year Ph.D. candidate studying
Neuroscience at Harvard University; 3) Kamir Hiam-Galvez Ph.D., a Post-Doctoral Fellow studying Immunology at Stanford University; 4) Steven Conklin López Ph.D., a Post-Doctoral Fellow studying Clinical Chemistry at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
In this webinar, they will go over four umbrella topics: 1) Choosing a Lab; 2) Social Life; 3) Mentorship; 4) Finances & Financial Support, followed by a Q&A session where they answer questions live submitted by you!
There are no upcoming events at the moment.
Our next webinar season will start late summer/early fall - stay tuned!
Check out our YouTube channel for recordings of past webinars. To be notified of planned events, subscribe to our mailing list or follow us on social media. Thank you!

What To Do If Rejected From Graduate School
Location: Virtual— Recording Here!
Date: Wed, April 21, 2021, 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EDT
The webinar will be led by three GSMI team members: 1) Jyoti Sharma, a Masters student studying Biochemistry at Universite de Montreal; 2) Yessica Santana Agreda, a Ph.D. student studying Neuroscience at Oregon Health & Science University; 3) Olivia
Goldman, a Ph.D. candidate studying Neuroscience at Rockefeller University. Topics will include - how to efficiently self-assess your application and utilize the time until the next round of grad applications, followed by a Q&A session where they answer questions live submitted by you!

A Call to Action: Becoming a Virtual HISPA Role Model for our Youth
Location: Virtual — Recording Here!
Date: 5PM EST, Friday, April 2, 2021
Dr. Ivonne Díaz-Claisse who is the founder, president, and CEO of HISPA will speak about her professional journey, HISPA educational programming (Virtual Role models for middle and high
school students) and the “20K Inspirational Stories for our Youth” to inspire Latino students to discover their potential and ignite their desire to embrace education and achieve success. Learn more about HISPA here.

Overview of Post-Bac/NIH-PREP Programs in the Biosciences
Location: Virtual — Recording Here!
Date: 6PM EST, January 21, 2021
This webinar will be led by Joshua Hall, Ph.D., Director of Admissions for the Biological and Biomedical Sciences Program, Director of UNC PREP, and co-founder & co-host of Hello PhD podcast; Aníbal Tornés-Blanco, Biological Chemistry Ph.D. student at University of
Michigan Ann-Arbor and former NIH-PREP scholar at Case Western; and Yessica Santana, Neuroscience Ph.D. student at Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), former post-bac scholar at University of Pittsburgh and OHSU!
For more information on NIH Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP), please visit:

Escuela Graduada: Como será el proceso de admisiones en tiempos de pandemia?
Location: Virtual — Recording Here!
Date: 6PM EST, November 2, 2020
*This webinar will be completely in *Spanish*
This webinar is in partnership with Caminos en Ciencia. Panelists will be Karina Gonzalez Herrera, PhD (Associated Director of Diversity and Minority Initiatives at Harvard University), Arnaldo Díaz, PhD (Assistant Dean for Research Training Programs at University of Pennsylvania), Jesús M. Velázquez, PhD (Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry at University of California, Davis), Yaihara Fortis Santiago, PhD (Associate Director of Postdoctoral Affairs and Trainee Diversity Initiatives).

Gadareth Higgs
GradPI: Choosing a Research Mentor
Location: Virtual — Recording Here!
Date: 6PM EST, October 15, 2020
This webinar is a part of our Graduate School Mentorship Initiative, but is also open to the public! This webinar will be led by GradPI founder, Gadareth Higgs (PhD candidate in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology at Yale University). Learn more about GradPI here. If you’re applying to graduate school or entering your first year in graduate school, learn how to select the right research mentor by registering today!

Location: Virtual
Date: Saturday, 10/3/2020
RiSI, Científico Latino, and the Rockefeller University Dean’s Office of Graduate Studies are collaborating to host BioAcCES (Academic Conference for Emerging Scholars), a virtual conference for undergraduate students, on October 3rd, 2020.
Our program included: Talks and posters by current undergraduate students in various fields of biosciences, workshops and a panel discussion of different career paths you might take with a PhD Stay tuned for more details! Visit for more information.
Recorded Webinars/Workshops From BioAcCES 2020
Click talk titles to view recording, or go to the full BioAcCES 2020 video playlist here
Keynote Talk (by Professor Enrique De La Cruz, Yale University)
How to apply to PhD programs (by Dr. Robert Fernandez, Científico Latino)
How to apply to MD/PhD programs (by Dr. Catharine Boothroyd, Weill Cornell Medicine)
What can you be with a PhD? Panel (Dr. Maryam Zaringhalam, Dr. Dylan Kwart, Dr. Nathan Smith)
How to apply for summer research experiences for undergraduates (REUs) (by Dr. Carlos Rico, Científico Latino)
Kirill Chesnov

Science Opportunities for High School Students
Location: Virtual — Recording Here!
Date: 7PM EST, October 2, 2020
This webinar is open to the public! Kirill Chesnov (Duke Ph.D. Student in Neurobiology) will discuss the various science research opportunities you can pursue in high school! If you missed it, do not worry. Here is the PDF to the presentation, along with webinar that is available for you to view on our YouTube channel.

Mónica C.
Applying to the NIH F31 Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual Fellowship
Location: Virtual — Recording Here!
Date: 3PM EST, September 25, 2020
This webinar is a part of our Graduate School Mentorship Initiative, but is also open to the public! Mónica C. Acevedo-Molina (University of Arizona Ph.D. Candidate in Clinical Psychology) will discuss relevant components to the NIH F31 Predoctoral Fellowship and advice on how to create a strong application.

Applying to the Ford Predoctoral Fellowship Program
Location: Virtual — Recording Here! (subtitles coming soon)
Date: 6PM EST, September 17, 2020
This webinar is a part of our Graduate School Mentorship Initiative, but is also open to the public! Rocío Del Mar Saavedra (NSF GRFP and Ford Fellow, Yale Ph.D. Candidate in Cell Biology) will go the Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship Program and advice on how to create a strong application.
Rocío Del Mar Saavedra

Applying to Graduate School Fellowships
Location: Virtual — Recording Here! (subtitles coming soon)
Date: 7PM EST, September 16, 2020
This webinar is a part of our Graduate School Mentorship Initiative, but is also open to the public! Juan Barajas, Ph.D. (Postdoctoral Fellow at St. Jude's Children Research Hospital) will provide an overview of graduate school fellowships and reasons to pursue them.
Juan Barajas, Ph.D.

Applying to Graduate School in Chemistry
Location: Virtual — Recording Here!
Date: 6PM EST, September 9, 2020
This webinar is a part of our Graduate School Mentorship Initiative, but is also open to the public! Becky Rodriguez (University of Minnesota Ph.D. Candidate in Chemistry) will go over applying to graduate school in chemistry.
Becky Rodriguez

Juan Barajas, Ph.D.
Cathy Amaya
How to Write an Effective Personal Statement for Graduate School
Location: Virtual
Date: 6PM EST, September 8, 2020
This webinar is a part of our Graduate School Mentorship Initiative, but is also open to the public! Juan Barajas, Ph.D. (Postdoctoral Fellow at St. Jude's Children Research Hospital) and Cathy Amaya (Yale Ph.D. Candidate in Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry) will go over how to write a personal statement for graduate school programs in the sciences.

Overview of the STEM Graduate School Application Process
Location: Virtual
Date: 5PM EST, September 5, 2020

Daisy Duan,
Paola Figuero Delgado,
Aníbal Tornés Blanco
This webinar is a part of our Graduate School Mentorship Initiative, but is also open to the public! Daisy Duan (Yale Ph.D. Student in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry), Paola Figuero Delgado (University of Michigan Ann-Arbor Ph.D. Student in Biological Chemistry), Aníbal Tornés Blanco (Yale Ph.D. Candidate in Cell Biology) will go over what a Ph.D. program in the sciences consists of, how to apply for a graduate program, a timeline on the graduate school application process, and how to build a strong application.

Applying to Graduate School in Physics
Location: Virtual — Recording Here!
Date: 6PM EST, September 4, 2020
This webinar is a part of our Graduate School Mentorship Initiative, but is also open to the public! George Iskander (University of Chicago Ph.D. Student in Physics) will go over applying to graduate school in physics.
George Iskander

Rocío Del
Mar Saavedra
Applying to the NSF Graduate Research Fellowships Program Webinar
Location: Virtual
Date: 6PM EST, September 3, 2020
This webinar is a part of our Graduate School Mentorship Initiative, but is also open to the public! Rocío Del Mar Saavedra (NSF GRFP and Ford Fellow, Yale Ph.D. Candidate in Cell Biology) and Gwenaëlle Thomas (NSF GRFP Fellow, Duke Ph.D. Candidate in Neurobiology) will go over the NSF GRFP Graduate Fellowship Program and give their advice on how to create a strong application.

Nuri Jeong
Applying to Graduate School as an International Student Webinar
Location: Virtual
Date: 6PM EST, September 1, 2020
This webinar is a part of our Graduate School Mentorship Initiative, but is also open to the public! Nuri Jeong (Emory University Ph.D. Candidate in Neuroscience) and Mariella Quispe-Carbajal (Stony Brook University Ph.D. Student in Biochemistry & Structural Biology) will go over applying to graduate school in STEM as an international student.

Robert W. Fernandez,
Catherine Amaya,
Carlos Rico
Journal Club Perú Webinar
Location: Journal Club Perú (Virtual)
Date: 4/26/2020
Robert W. Fernandez, Catherine Amaya, and Carlos Rico delivered a webinar as invited guests to a journal club meeting with an audience of Peruvian undergraduates, college graduates, and Master’s students coming from a variety of STEM backgrounds including Chemistry, Engineering, and Mathematics. In this webinar, they provide an overview of the STEM Ph.D. application process and how Científico Latino assists students from underrepresented backgrounds navigate the process through GSMI.

What to Expect in Graduate School Webinar
Location: Virtual
Date: 3/16/2020
Daisy Duan, Olivia Goldman, Catherine Amaya, and Gwenaëlle Thomas delivered the last 2019-2020 GSMI webinar, discussing what GSMI participants should expect going into graduate school this Fall 2020. Topics covered included transitioning into graduate school, financial matters, lab rotations, and balancing research with social life. Congratulations to all of our amazing mentees who participated in the program — for finishing the application process and finally starting their PhD journeys!

Mexican Studies Institute (CUNY) Workshop on Applying to Graduate School
Location: CUNY Mexican Studies Institute (New York, NY)
Date: 3/5/2020
Carlos Rico, Olivia Goldman, and Robert W. Fernandez gave a workshop on navigating graduate school applications, which included topics on preparing a strong personal statement/resume, tackling impostor syndrome, and the importance of carving our paths as URM students in higher education.

Post-Graduate Opportunities Webinar
Location: Virtual
Date: 2/28/2020
Yessica Santana, Catherine Amaya, and Olivia Goldman delivered this webinar to participants of the 2019-2020 GSMI program. They discussed their gap years between college and graduate school, spending that duration of time as a post-bacc researcher and lab technicians to hone their research skills and help prepare them for graduate school.

Si Se Puede Foundation STEM Conference: Creating STEM Mentors
Location: Chandler Gilbert Community College (Chandler, Arizona)
Date: 1/25/2020
Olivia Goldman and Robert W. Fernandez (co-founders of Científico Latino) gave a workshop on Científico Latino and preparing for a career in science to college students.

American Museum of Natural History Professional Day
Location: American Museum of Natural History (New York, NY)
Date: 1/18/2020
Olivia Goldman, Robert W. Fernandez, Daisy Duan, Carlos Rico gave a workshop on Científico Latino and Applying to Summer Research Programs to high school students and college students.

Robert W. Fernandez,
Daisy Duan,
Olivia Goldman